A reminder from Surrey County Council of the pleasant countryside around our towns, even in the winter months.
We are fortunate to live in a county with a balanced environment, urban requirements met and a little peace close by. You might still be forgiven for thinking that the autumn of 2021 isn’t our finest time.
As the queues demonstrate, fuel shortages have hit the South East more than most areas. The coronavirus pandemic continues, with infections in Surrey above the national average and a few of our hospitals under strain.
Residents can help, by only going to accident and emergency departments when they need to. We can also continue to protect ourselves from Covid-19 and stay in a positive frame of mind, as there are positive signs.
The Surrey Economy
The employment furlough scheme is ending and not all jobs will be renewed, although we should consider the longer term position in Surrey. A prosperous county, with one of the lowest unemployment rates in the UK.
On income levels and labour demand, Surrey is ahead of overall figures in the South East, with an economy amounting to 16% of the South East total. Disposable income is almost 40% above the national average.
House prices have been rising a little below average in recent years but this is primarily due to a high starting point. Since the pandemic began, property values in such a popular area have risen faster.
As a leading provider of removals in Surrey, demand for our services tends to reflect the mood and this has been solid. The same can be said for the commercial sector, with few closures and new businesses recently appearing.
Education & Skills
Brexit has added to skill shortages in the UK, where we hear much about widespread sectors, yet specialist skills are equally in demand. Southern counties such as Surrey have a decent level of technology businesses, or niche providers.
The experience and qualifications required to fill vacancies are embedded in the local population. The rates of professional, or technical workers resident in Surrey is above the UK norm and a good match for future needs.
Industry surveys across the UK show an above average number of suitable applicants in Surrey, for IT, design, finance, marketing and corporate posts. The population is a good fit with the opportunities.
Looking Forward
The media tend to focus on negatives, all too easy to be depressed by environmental issues, the pandemic, inflation. They do all matter and there is work to do but Surrey is well placed to look forward.
Societies thrive on people and we have a good mix. The local economy is resilient, supported by educational facilities focused on technology and scientific innovation.
A modern approach which is part of our Surrey removals service, along with old fashioned personal service. A blend which is not untypical of businesses in our county, where good support is valued.
As we move people around the UK, we see plenty of pleasant, welcoming places. Surrey is not unique but does offer so much, as autumn dawns, we may miss the sun but should be pleased to be here.